AI - Artificial Intelligent

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AI - Artificial intelligent which the technology change people's life.  It starts to learn the knowledge and experience (Big Data), analyze on the Big data and predicts the outcome.  By repetitive the learning cycle (Deep Learning) on the past results, probability and expectation on the future is predicted and the accuracy is being improved with the increasing of learning cycles.  By proper adoption of AI, the intelligent will being more intelligent (AI developing new AI, Master and Child AI) and it is our ultimate goal.

In the use cases below, the AI is improving people's life. 

Case 1: AI - Fire Alarm


AI - No Fire

AI Fire

AI - Fire Detected

AI - Fire Alarm

AI Fire Mobile

AI - Fire Detected


Case 2: AI - Wear Mask Detection

AI no mask

AI - No Mask

AI - Wear Mask

AI - Wear Mask

AI - Wear Mask



Case 3: AI - Logistic (Container and Stock Counter)

AI - Container Counter

AI - Stock Counter

AI - Wear Protection Equipment


Case 4: AI - Traffic Condition Detection

AI - Truck Loading and Unloading Detection

illegal parking and unload stock

AI - Recognition of Car Plate



Case 5: AI - Product Recognition